Humans are humans...
...Predictably irrational.
There will always be haters. You can't stop that. But it's your choice to be one of them.
And when it comes to music, quality is completely subjective. That's why I suggest practicing the Golden Rule of Music:
Treat other music as you'd want your music to be treated.
If you hear a song and don't like it, it doesn't mean that it's bad. It means you're not the right audience for the song.
So screw the naysayers and haters. Make the music you want to make and let the critics sit on their asses and complain.
One thing you should NEVER do (and I mean NEVER)...
Donât feed the trolls!
You will never change their minds. You only give them validation and the opportunity to keep up the hate.
But if you must...
The problem with closed-minded people is their mouth is always open.
Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon.
Behind every successful person lies a pack of haters.
Love me or hate me. Either way, I'm on your mind.
Hating is not an accomplishment. Writing a song is.
Iâm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener.
Haters are always less successful than the person they hate.
People only talk about you behind your back because youâre ahead of them.
Any fool can criticize, and most fools do.
Hating me won't change anything about me, but it changes everything about you.
Haters are cheerleaders with dirty pompoms.
If you don't have any haters, youâre probably not ambitious enough.
Haters are confused admirers who canât understand why everybody else likes you.
Improve your life so you donât have to talk about mine.
Here's the thing, people won't remember what other people say about you. But they will remember what you accomplish.
Work hard to create something valuable every day. Haters gonna hate, creators gonna create.
They will try to bring you down to their level. Rise above it. 🚫👁🗨

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Hey Graham
I really appreciate your various insights. They a both a boot in the ass and good practical advice. Ouch and thank you!
Good stuff! Your system is great! I finished a few songs because of it! I wish I had more time. Ignoring the hate is excellent advice. Itâs easy to let that get you down. Continue to create and thereâs bound to be more, but itâs part of the package. I ainât quittinâ đ itâs to much fun! Keep the positive vibes coming! I always take the time to read these.
Here’s a couple more:
It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ⌠No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others. Martha Graham
Leave the artist’s ego out of the art in order to give what you don’t think you like a chance. John Cage
The art is the reward. Buffy St. Marie
Love those responses!