Here's a quick reference on rhyme for you.
You'll want to memorize these bullets so you can find unique and creative rhymes.
Or, save your brain power and just use this rhyme chart whenever you need it.
That's what a "cheat sheet" is for!
Perfect Rhyme and Family Rhyme
Perfect rhyme has three characteristics:
- The rhyming syllables have the same vowel sounds
- The consonant sounds after the vowel (if any) have the same sounds
- The rhyming syllables begin differently
A good substitute for perfect rhyme is family rhyme:
- The rhyming syllables have the same vowel sounds
- The consonant sounds after the vowel are phonetically related
- The rhyming syllables begin differently
In family rhyme, there are three phonetic families:
- Plosives: b, d, g, p, t, k
- Fricatives: v, TH, z, zh, j, f, th, s, sh, ch
- Nasals: m, n, ng
You can substitute members of the same family: cut/luck, rich/wish, fun/sung. Use this chart to help you find family rhymes.
In the Speed Songwriting Mastery Program, you'll discover how to use rhyme to control the pace and flow of your lyrics, use rhyme to balance and unbalance your verses, and a lot more.
Remember that rhyme is a powerful songwriting tool to help you say what you mean.

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