Few things in life are as frustrating as watching someone with potential fail to reach their goals because they don't have the simple songwriting habits that keep a steady pace.
This is just as true for songwriters as it is for any other pursuit.
In order to get better at writing songs, you need to write more songs, and the best way to do that is by maintaining a consistent pace.
The fastest way to get better as a songwriter is to write more songs faster
When you write more songs, you learn what works and what doesn't work for you as a writer.
You can experiment with different styles until something clicks. You become aware of how your creative process works so that you can improve upon it.
The most significant things about your creative process happen without you even realizing them, so the faster you write songs, the faster you can improve.
Perfectionism is the enemy of creativity and the pursuit of quality is a given, so the bottleneck to progress is the speed of output
This isn't to say that there is no merit to working on a single song for an extended period of time.
Sometimes, an idea will come along, and you need time to let it ferment and grow, but this doesn't need to happen very often. Most ideas are fleeting, and they'll disappear if you don't quickly put them into action.
There's also something to be said for spending more time polishing a couple of songs rather than spending less time perfecting many songs. But again, this only applies if you've already established some level of consistent quality in your writing. If not, then it would be more beneficial to crank out more songs.
A steady pace in songwriting can be just as fast as one with peaks and valleys
There's no reason to make things more difficult on yourself by expecting too much.
Songwriters should understand how important it is to keep the creative momentum going so that their output remains steady over time. Peaks and valleys are part of the journey.
A steady pace is a fast pace, even when it seems slow.
Not in a capitalistic way that desires peak productivity, fame, and fortune but in an artistic way that values making music for experiences
Listen, there's nothing wrong with having a career as a musician.
I've had to have day jobs as I was finding my place, but I've been making a living as a musician for decades now!
I've had easy times, and I've had rough times. But I know that after playing with some of the most famous musicians and some of the great musicians you'll never know, I can say that fame isn't all it's cracked up to be, and fortune is in the eye of the beholder.
Instead of trying to change how the world sees you, change how you see the world.
Taking control of your creative output is the first step to being rich and famous, and the only step to having a musical experience. Maintain a steady pace in songwriting, where all that matters is expression and experience.
It's important to keep your pace in songwriting even when you're feeling bored or uninspired
You might find yourself in a creative rut, and the only way out is to keep writing songs.
Don't wait for good ideas, just write down bad ideas, and they might blossom into something better than what you expected. A steady pace in songwriting can go a long way toward making your experiences more productive.
So when you hit that point where it feels like nothing is coming to you, remember that you've got the Speed Songwriting Mastery Program to help you get through the next step.
There's never a reason to be blocked, there's only the fear that this song won't be your best. But if you can finish a first draft of the song quickly, then you can finish several drafts of a song in the same time that you might normally write a single song, only to abandon that seed of an idea that could grow into an evergreen tree.
I don't care if you want to be rich and famous, but I do care that you abandon songs that will lead to better songs. So I'm giving you the system that allowed me to keep writing through the peaks and the valleys.
Look, I'm not a household name, and frankly, I couldn't care less.
But guess what? The big shots, the ones you hear on every radio station, they've been quietly flocking to my Speed Songwriting Method.
Why? Because when it comes to unlocking raw, unfiltered creative genius, they know I've got the key.
I'm the go-to 'Song Whisperer' for these music legends. It's not just a job. It's my mission to ignite the songwriting fire in every artist I meet.
So let any negative ideas of "speed" leave you as you welcome the idea of writing better songs faster (even if that means writing bad songs fast!).
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